Set up your profile using ePractice
The PPR (Private Practice Register) gives an efficient and secure way to store, manage and share practising information and documents.
Setting up is the starting point for your PPR journey and to do this you’ll need to complete all the mandatory fields of every section. As you can work your way through, saving as you go along, it’s worth taking the extra time to add all the information. At various points you’ll need to upload documents so make sure you have them available on your computer. Don’t stop there – after completing your profile set up you should remember to regularly check and update it.
Before you start
Here’s a list of what you’ll need – anything mandatory is marked with an asterisk *. Uploaded files mustn’t be bigger than 5MB and must be in one of these formats: PDF, PNG, JPG or GIF.
- A photograph of you – a formal head shot is suggested
- An NHS written reference* confirming details of your employment for the following professions:
• Anaesthetist
• Audiologist
• Healthcare Science Practitioner
• Neuropsychologist
• Ophthalmic Science Practitioner
• Orthotist
• Pathologist
• Physician
• Practitioner Podiatric Surgeon
• Psychiatrist
• Radiologist
• Surgeon
Don’t worry If you don’t have a suitable reference you can download our digital template – just complete and save it on your computer before you begin; if you’ve gained your experience with the military, you can submit your Armed Service Vocational/Aptitude Battery certification* - Details are required if you’ve ever had practising privileges withdrawn*
- Details are required If you’ve ever been subject to investigations or proceedings by the police or a professional body*
- The certificates of any medical/clinical training you’ve undertaken*
- Your current Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate.
- Your current Medical Indemnity Insurance certificate*.
Getting started
Log into your ePractice site and click on the PPR Profile tab from the left-hand menu. Your empty profile will open with your name in the top pane and you’ll see a percentage value on the right-hand side. This gives you an indication of the completed mandatory sections and you’ll need to get to 100% before your profile can be published.
Click on the Complete your Profile button underneath the percentage value to work through each of the required sections – just click on the Add button against each one and save as you go. You can complete these in any order you like (although this guide will cover each section in the order seen) – you don’t need to do everything at once and can go back and add additional info at any time. Once you’ve finished the mandatory sections you should complete the other, non-mandatory, ones too.
Whether or not you use the Complete your Profile button, navigating to each section is easy and you’ve got three options – the drop-down “hamburger” menu at the top-left (three horizontal stacked lines), the search box at the top-right where you type what you’re looking for (e.g. bank details) or simply scroll down the profile page and click the expansion button next to the section name. You can easily get back to the full profile at any time by clicking the home icon.

These are the mandatory sections:
- Indemnity
- Contact Details – Correspondence
- Contact Details – Billing
- Bank Details
- Demographic Details
- Private Practice
- Profession
- Medical Training
Depending on what you’ve added as your profession the following sections will also appear:
Indemnity Details
It’s important for insurers and hospitals to know that you have up-to-date and adequate indemnity cover. Each year, as soon as you get your new insurance certificate, you must remember to add the details to show continuity of cover – you shouldn’t delete the old details. You’ll need to complete all the fields in this section.
- Medical Indemnity Provider: From the drop-down list select the name of the medical defence or insurance organisation that’s covering you for medical indemnity – please make sure you enter the actual indemnifier or insurance provider and NOT the broker (ask your provider if you’re not sure). If it isn’t listed in the drop-down, click on Other at the bottom of the list to add the details, but check the list carefully as it may be shown in a longer or shorter format than you’re looking for
- Start Date: The policy start date for your medical indemnity cover
- End Date: The policy end date (must be in the future) for your medical indemnity cover
- Certificate Number: The policy number
- Attachment: You can drag and drop a file into the box or click it to upload your policy certificate
- Click Submit to save your changes or Cancel to go back
Contact Details
This section holds the details of where you’d like to be contacted for correspondence and invoicing purposes – the default is to show the correspondence address. All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
Correspondence address
These details can be used by us, the insurers who recognise you and the hospitals where you hold practising privileges to send you general correspondence, including emails about the products and services you use. Please note that the insurers may also share these details with patients.
You have two choices for the address – either choose a hospital or practice (where you undertake some, or all, of your private practice) or simply type in another address.
Choose a hospital or practice
- Click the box next to Use Hospital/Practice Address – a tick will appear
- Hospital/Practice Name: Use the drop-down list to select this – you can type the name or first line of the address in the search box to save you scrolling down – the details will populate into the relevant sections
- Enter Address Prefix: Any additional address information that’s specific to the location within the hospital/practice e.g. the business name, location within a building (floor and/or room number) etc
Add a correspondence address
Just type in the details.
- Address Prefix: Any additional address information that’s specific to the location e.g. the business name, location within a building (floor and/or room number) etc
- Address (Lines 1-4)*: Lines 1-4 of the correspondence address you want to use e.g. building name, street number and/or name, city and county as required
- Postcode*: The postcode of your correspondence address
Telecom Details
These must also be completed. It would be best if you list your personal professional details in this section, rather than anyone else’s.
- Preferred contact method: Choose the preferred method of contacting you
- Email*: Your email address
- Phone*: Your direct phone number (landline or mobile) at your correspondence address – don’t leave any spaces between the numbers
- Mobile: Your mobile number
- Fax: Your fax number at your correspondence address
Click Submit to save or Cancel to go back.
Billing address
Click Billing at the top of the pane.
This is to let us know what address you want to use for invoicing purposes. This should be where you send most of your invoices from and where you’d like to receive your remittance advices (if this isn’t done electronically). Please note that the insurers may give this address to patients with shortfalls to pay.
You have three choices for the address this time – you can use your correspondence address, choose a hospital or practice or add another address.
Use correspondence address
Simply click on the Use my Correspondence address button. You can add another Address Prefix if needed.
Choose a hospital or practice
- Click the box next to Use Hospital/Practice Address – a tick will appear
- Hospital/Practice Name: Use the drop-down list to select this – you can type in the name or first line of the address in the search box to save you scrolling down – the details will populate into the relevant sections
- Enter Address Prefix: Any additional address information that’s specific to the location within the hospital/practice e.g. the business name, location within a building (floor and/or room number) etc
Add a billing address
Just type in the details.
- Address Prefix: Any additional address information that’s specific to the location e.g. the business name, location within a building (floor and/or room number) etc
- Address (Lines 1-4)*: Lines 1-4 of the billing address you want to use e.g. building name, street number and/or name, city and county as required
- Postcode*: The postcode of your billing address
Telecom Details
You could use another person’s details here e.g. your secretary or the person who does your invoicing. Just remember to update these if that person leaves your employment. If you’re using your correspondence address the details for these fields will be pre-populated, but you can change them if you want.
- Email*: The email address you want to associate with this address
- Phone*: A direct phone number (landline or mobile) you want to associate with this address – don’t leave any spaces between the numbers
- Mobile: The mobile number you want to associate with this address
- Fax: The fax number you want to associate with this address
Click Submit to save or Cancel to go back.
Bank Details
This is where you list your bank details so insurers can pay fees directly into your account – if the details you enter are invalid, the insurers won’t be able to see your profile. You can also give them permission to give these details to patients who have shortfalls to pay. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
- Bank Name*: The name of the UK bank where you have a bank account linked to your private practice
- Account Name*: The name that appears on your account
- Sort Code*: The 6-digit bank code that identifies the bank and branch
- Account Number*: The 8-digit number that identifies your bank account
- Use the Yes or No toggle button to indicate if you’re happy or not for the insurers to give patients your bank account details to pay any shortfalls
- Click Submit to save your changes or Cancel to go back
Demographic Details
This’ll already have some of your details, taken from your Healthcode Account. If you need to update any of these, just click the Edit Details button at the top of the pane which’ll take you to the User and Login section of your Healthcode Account.
Please note that your listed names should be your legal names – those recognised by a government or other legal entity. All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
- Title*: Taken from Healthcode Account
- First Name*: Taken from Healthcode Account
- Middle name: Taken from Healthcode Account
- Last Name*: Taken from Healthcode Account
- Preferred Name: The name you like to use instead e.g. an anglicised name, nickname or a shorter version of your first name
- Sex*
- Date of birth*: You can either search using the calendar or just type it in
- Click Submit to save your changes or Cancel to go back
Private Practice
This is all about what you do and where – you should add all the locations where you do your private work. You can type into the search box or scroll down the drop-down list. If the location isn’t there, click on Add Other Practice at the bottom of the list and complete the details. As a minimum, you’ll need to give us the name, the town/city where it’s located and the postcode, together with an indication of whether this is a private consulting room, rather than being in a hospital or clinic.
The following information is required for each site and mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
Practice Details
- Hospital/ Practice Name*: This is the recognised private facility where patients are seen and/or treated – if you can’t find it check the list carefully as it may be shown in a different format than you’re looking for
- Start Date*: The date you started seeing patients at this site
- End Date: N/A – this’ll be used in the future when you stop seeing patients at this site
- Patients Treated*: The age group breakdown for the patients you treat at this site based on the CQC’s service users’ bands – tick all that apply at this site from the drop-down menu:
- 0-3 Years
- 4-12 Years
- 13-18 Years
- 19-64
- 65 Years and over
- Type of Care provided*: Tick all that apply at this site
- Daypatient – patients who are admitted to a hospital or day case unit because they need a period of medically supervised recovery in a bed but don’t stay overnight
- Inpatient – patients who are admitted to a hospital because they need a period of medically supervised recovery in a bed and need to stay overnight or longer
- Outpatient (Consulting only) – patients who attend a facility to see you for medical advice
- Outpatient Treatment (Ambulatory) – patients who attend a facility for medical diagnostics, observations and treatments but don’t require medically supervised recovery in a bed
- Medical Secretary: When you’ve added details of your medical secretary(-ies) in the Medical Secretary section their name(s) will be shown in the drop-down list and you can assign them as managing this treatment site
Contact Details
- Contact Type: Your choice of your correspondence or billing address to use for this site – it isn’t mandatory for this section and these details can be uploaded separately in the main Contact Details section
- Address Prefix: Any additional info specific to the location of your private practice e.g. the business name, location within a building (floor and/or room number) etc.
- Email*: The contact email address associated with your private practice at this site (this could be your medical secretary’s)
- Phone*: The contact number associated with your private practice at this site – landline or mobile
- Fax: The fax number associated with your private practice at this site
- Add Practice Hours*: The sessions (morning, afternoon or evening – use the tick boxes) and frequencies (weekly, fortnightly or monthly – use the drop-down options) that you’re available per day (Monday to Sunday) to see and/or treat patients at this site
- Click Add to save the details or Cancel to go back
Repeat for all the other sites where you practise.
This is where you add details about your profession (e.g. surgeon, physician, therapist, chiropractor etc.), your specialty(-ies) and subspecialty(-ies). If you have more than one profession just add them all – you can do that now or later if you want. You can also list the procedures/treatments you perform which could help with referrals from the insurance companies.
This section is split into two tabs: Profession and Regulatory Body and Specialties, Subspecialties and Procedures.
Profession and Regulatory Body
You’ll need to complete all the fields in this section.
- Profession: Your overarching medical occupation – choose from the drop-down options or type it into the search box and contact us if you think yours isn’t listed
- Regulatory/professional body: You’ll be given a choice of relevant regulatory/professional bodies (including their acronyms) to choose from depending on your profession – if yours isn’t listed you should contact us. Please note that you should choose the body that best represents your profession – it must include a searchable public register and, if you practise a protected profession, you must be registered with the legally-mandated body
- Reference: Your registration/reference/membership number with the listed regulatory/professional body – if you’re registered with the GMC the registration date will automatically populate from the GMC database
- Registration date: The date you first registered with the regulatory/professional body
- Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit without saving
You now need to add at least one specialty and subspecialty (if prompted by the system) from the available lists for this profession – again you should contact us if you think yours isn’t listed. For each specialty/subspecialty you can also add the procedures and treatments you undertake to highlight your areas of expertise.
Specialties, Subspecialties and Procedures
Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk* – you must add at least one specialty and subspecialty (if this option is available).
- Specialty*: The branch of medical practice you’re trained to do which is broadly focused on a defined group of patients, diseases or skills – click the one you want from the list which will then show the subspecialties available (not all specialties will have these). Contact us if you think yours isn’t listed
- Subspecialty*: A narrower field within the specialty that gives greater detail of the work you do – tick the box next to the ones you want to showcase and as you do this, you’ll be able to pick the relevant procedures or treatments you perform regularly (not always available). Contact us if you think yours isn’t listed
- Procedures/Treatments: Tick the ones you want to add from the list of CCSD-coded procedures and treatments available for your chosen specialty/subspecialty
You can continue adding more specialties, subspecialties and procedures/treatments for this profession or you can come back and do this later.
- Click Add to save and be taken to the Profession section or Back to return to the Profession and Regulatory Body tab
Click the Add Profession button on the top right if you want to add another one. If you’ve added more than one profession you should choose the one you want listed as the Primary by clicking the radio button next to it.
NHS Practice
You’ll need to complete this section if you’re one of the following:
• Anaesthetist
• Audiologist
• Healthcare Science Practitioner
• Neuropsychologist
• Ophthalmic Science Practitioner
• Orthotist
• Pathologist
• Physician
• Practitioner Podiatric Surgeon
• Psychiatrist
• Radiologist
• Surgeon
A written reference is required confirming details of your NHS employment. If you don’t have anything suitable you can download our digital template to be completed by you and a member of the HR Department at your NHS facility.
The contact details requested are for the person who has provided the reference confirming your NHS employment, whether you used our template or not. Please note that the insurers may contact them if they need more information to complete their recognition process.
Use the Yes or No toggle button to indicate if you’ve ever held an NHS post. If the answer’s Yes, then the following will appear.
All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
- Hospital/ Practice Name*: The NHS facility where you are or were employed – if this isn’t shown on the drop-down list click Other (at the bottom of the list) and manually add the details
- Start Date*: The date you started practising at the NHS facility
- End Date: The date you stopped practising there (if applicable)
- Consultant Post*: The job title of the post you hold/held there
- Title*: The title of the person who’s provided the reference
- First Name*: The first name of the person who’s provided the reference
- Last Name*: The surname/family name of the person who’s provided the reference
- Contact Other Names: Any other name(s) used by the person who’s provided the reference
- Contact Job Title*: The official job title of the person who’s provided the reference
- Contact Email*: The email address of the person who’s provided the reference
- Attachment*: You can drag and drop a file into the box or click it to upload a copy of your reference – remember that it must be signed by the same person you’ve listed as the reference contact
- Click Submit to save your changes or Cancel to go back
Licence to Practise
This is mandatory if you’re GMC-registered.
- Use the Yes or No toggle button to indicate if you have a current licence to practise
- Use the Yes or No toggle button to indicate if you have or have ever had any investigations and/or proceedings by the police or any profession body anywhere in the world
- If the answer’s Yes then you’ll be asked to tick a box to confirm you’re happy with the statements presented
- Attachment*: You’ll need to drag and drop a file relating to this into the box or click to upload it
- Use the Yes or No toggle button to indicate if you’ve ever had practising privileges withdrawn
- If the answer’s Yes then you’ll be asked to tick a box to confirm you’re happy with the statements presented
- Attachment*: You’ll need to drag and drop a file relating to this into the box or click to upload it
- Click Update licence to practise
Medical Training
This is where you upload any medical/clinical training certificates, including your qualification certificates (e.g. your primary degree/qualification). You’ll need to complete all the fields in this section and add at least one.
- Click Add Medical Training
- Training Title: The name of the medical/clinical training undertaken, including your primary degree
- Training Provider: Select the professional body that issued the certificate from the drop-down list (if you can’t find it check the list carefully as it may be shown in a different format than you’re looking for) – this could be the university/training facility name or the name of the organisation that oversees the training; if this isn’t in the list, click on Other at the bottom and complete the details
- Attachment*: You’ll need to drag and drop a file into the box or click it to upload your certificate
- Click Add to save or Close to return to the section
You can now add further training or come back to it later.
Next steps
Once you’ve successfully completed all the mandatory sections, the percentage indicator will change to 100%, the circle will be green and marked Active. Your profile will soon be visible to the insurers and hospitals you work with. You’ll also now see a blue notification banner in the top-right corner of the screen asking if you’ve confirmed your details are up to date and correct. Regularly clicking to confirm, even if you haven’t changed anything, indicates to the the insurers that you’re keeping an eye on your profile and could mean more referrals.
Now let’s talk about the other available sections of your profile. Although not mandatory, it’s important that you complete as many of these as possible as your profile is used as the single source of truth for ICE (our online appointment booking solution), as well as by the insurers and hospitals.
Again, these can be looked at in any order you like, but they’re listed here in the order you see them on the profile.
- About You
- Qualifications
- Professional Bodies
- Publications
- Insurer Recognition
- Appraisal
- Fitness to Practise
- Medical Secretary
Edit Profile
This is found right underneath the icon in the top pane that also contains your name and addresses. Your Profile is made up of the following sections, many of which you’ll have already completed as indicated:
- About You
- Profession (mandatory section – see above)
- Licence to Practise (mandatory section – see above)
- Qualifications
- Professional Bodies
- Medical Training (mandatory section – see above)
- Publications
Clicking the Edit Profile button will open on the About You section – the others are accessed by clicking the relevant buttons at the top of the screen.
About You
This section gives you a space to showcase your practice, your experience and expertise.
- Click Add Photo under the icon – it’s always a good idea to put a face to a name
- Click the icon again to open your files
- Upload your photo, which’ll replace the icon in your profile – remember that the image can’t be more than 5MB
- Click Update Profile Photo
- Practice Name: Click in the box and type it in – this could be your personal name, your company name or your clinic name
- Practice Website: Your professional personal website or the website of the place where you practise – if you practise from more than one site use the one most relevant to you
- Click the drop-down to choose the beginning part of the URL – either http:// or https://
- Type in the rest of the URL
- Practitioner Status: You can use this section in future to let everyone know if your status has changed – there are three options:
- Active: You’re actively practising privately – this is the default setting
- Inactive: You’re currently not seeing any private patients
- Retired: You’ve retired, either completely or from private practice
- Biography: An optional space to give a bit more information about you, including your medical experience and expertise in your chosen field
- Click inside the box to type or paste in the info – you have 10,000 characters.
- Research Interests: an optional space to list any research projects and/or activities you’ve been involved in
- Click inside the box to type or paste in the info – you have 10,000 characters.
- Special and clinical interests: An optional space for you to further define your subspecialties to give greater detail about your clinical work
- Click inside the box to type or paste in the info – you have 10,000 characters.
Click Update About You.
This is all about your medical degree or other primary medical qualification – you’ll need to complete all the fields in this section.
- Click Add Qualifications
- Qualification: The name of the qualification – choose from the drop-down options or type in the search box. If it isn’t listed, click on Other at the bottom of the list to add the details in the Qualification Name box that appears – do check the list carefully first as it may be shown in a longer or shorter format than you’re looking for
- Year of Qualification: The year you achieved this – scroll and click from the drop-down options or type the year in the search box and then click the option
- Place of Qualification: The university or training facility where you gained this
- Country of Qualification: The country where the university or training facility is located – scroll and choose from the drop-down options or type in the search box and then click the option
- Click Add to save or Close to go back
Repeat these steps to add further primary medical qualifications. If you’ve done any other medical training this should be added to the Medical Training section, as should the upload of your primary qualification certificate(s).
Professional Bodies
You’ve already listed the regulatory/professional body associated with your profession(s) but if you’re a member of any other professional bodies you can add the details here.
- Click Add Professional Bodies
- Professional Body: Select from the drop-down options or type in the search box – contact us if yours isn’t listed
- Membership No.: Your registration/reference/membership number with the professional body
- Click Add to save or Close to go back
This section is for you to showcase your expertise in your field by listing publications you’ve written – in print or digital format – relevant to your practice. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.
- Click Add Publications
- Publication Name*: The title of the book, book chapter, article, medical paper or anything else you’ve written that’s been published in print or online
- Publication Date*: The date it was made available in print or digital format
- Publication URL: A link to a website listing or holding the publication
- Publication Abstract: Add a summary of the publication giving as much detail as you want about the purpose, methods, findings, conclusions and recommendations – you have 10,000 characters
- Attachment: You can drag and drop a file into the box or click it to upload your publication
- Click Add to save or Close to go back
Insurer Recognition
This section is all about your recognition with the insurers – you’ll see a list of insurers together with your provider number and status if you’re already recognised or going through the recognition process. When clicking on an insurer, you’ll see the recognition history on the right-hand side.
Some hyperlinks are available to the insurers’ Fee Schedules and T&Cs for quick reference.
Click Yes or No to indicate whether you’ll stick to the insurer’s fee schedule – please note that Aviva, AXA Health and Vitality only recognise practitioners who will.
Clicking Apply next to the insurer name will start the recognition process and the status will change to Pending. Once recognition has been granted the status will change to Recognised. The insurer can also refuse recognition and can derecognise you at a later date.
Appraisals are mandatory for GMC- and NMC-registered practitioners. Although this section is voluntary it would be helpful to the hospitals where you hold practising privileges to see this info as they need it for their records. The details at the top of the section are those of your appraiser. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
- Title*: The title of your appraiser
- First Name*: The first name of your appraiser
- Last Name*: The surname/family name of your appraiser
- Email: The direct email address of your appraiser
- Date of Last Appraisal: The date your appraisal was signed off by your Responsible Officer
- Date of Next Appraisal: The date given by your Responsible Officer for your next appraisal – this must be in the future
- Appraisal Start Date: The start date of your current appraisal period – agreed between you and your appraiser
- Appraisal End Date: The end date of your current appraisal period – agreed between you and your appraiser
- Appraisal Summary: You can drag and drop a file into the box or click it to upload your summary document
- Personal Development Plan: You can drag and drop a file into the box or click it to upload your PDP document
- Full Appraisal: You can drag and drop a file into the box or click it to upload your full appraisal document
- Click Submit to save or Cancel to go back
Fitness to Practise
This is split into the following separate sections:
This is where you add details about your registration with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Under the Data Protection (Charges and Information) Regulations 2018, if you process personal data (patient information) you need to pay an annual data protection fee to the ICO, even if you’re working within other organisations, such as hospitals, who’ll need to be registered separately. More information about this can be found on the ICO website here.
All the info needed is on your certificate – just remember to update the details each year. Unless you get a new registration, you’ll only need to edit the expiry date, remove the old certificate and upload the new one.
All fields are mandatory.
- ICO Registration Number
- Tier: Use the drop-down list to choose
- Date of ICO Registration: The date you were first registered as a data controller with the ICO
- Date ICO Registration Expires: The date your current annual data protection registration fee expires
- Attachment: You can drag and drop a file into the box or click it to upload your certificate
- Click Submit to save or Cancel to go back
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) was previously known as the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB). It’s likely that hospitals will need you to have an enhanced DBS check to grant and maintain your practising privileges. This must be issued within the UK. If you want to complete this section all fields are mandatory.
- DBS Date of Issue: The date your DBS certificate was issued
- DBS Number: The 12-digit DBS certificate number
- Attachment: You can drag and drop a file into the box or click it to upload your certificate
- Tick the box and click Confirm
- Click Submit to save or Cancel to go back
Medical Secretary
This section is used to list the details of your medical secretary(-ies). You may have more than one, each dealing with a different part of your private practice. Although this whole section is optional, if you do want to add some details the first and last names are required as a minimum.
Medical Secretary Details
Please note that any listed names should be your secretary’s legal names – those recognised by a government or other legal entity.
- Title: The title of your secretary
- First Name*: The first name of your secretary
- Last Name*: The surname/family name of your secretary
- Preferred Name: Your secretary’s preferred name e.g. an anglicised name, nickname or a shorter version of their first name
Address Details
- Contact Type: The preferred address for your secretary to use as standard, from a choice of Correspondence or Billing – complete the details for the correspondence address as default. If your secretary uses a different address for invoicing purposes change the drop down and fill in the details for the second address
- Address Prefix: Any additional address information that’s specific to the location of your secretary e.g. the business name, location within a building (floor and/or room number) etc.
- Address (Lines 1-4): Lines 1-4 of the correspondence/billing address associated with your secretary e.g. building name, street number and/or name, city and county as required
- Postcode: The postcode of your secretary’s correspondence/billing address
- Telecoms Details: The heading of this section will change to Correspondence Telecom Details or Billing Telecom Details if you’ve completed a relevant address
- Preferred contact method: The preferred method of contacting your secretary from a choice of email, phone, mobile or fax
- Phone: Your secretary’s phone number (landline or mobile)
- Fax: Your secretary’s fax number
- Email: Your secretary’s email address
- Mobile: Your secretary’s mobile number
- Working hours: Your secretary’s start and finish times allocated by days of the week (Monday to Sunday)
- Hospitals/Practices Managed: If you’ve already completed the Private Practice section, you’ll be able to show that this secretary manages the site by ticking the relevant box(es)
- Click Submit to save or Cancel to go back
Scope of Practice
Info in this section is only visible to GMC-registered practitioners and will be populated once your profile is complete – you can’t edit it. It’s also visible to any hospital or hospital group where you hold practising privileges and who has a subscription to The PPR. It’s not visible to the insurers.
The data shown is taken from the electronic invoices submitted and validated through the Clearing Service from qualifying hospitals and clinics where you’re listed as the “controlling specialist” and is updated daily. CCSD-coded procedures are grouped together under plain language surgical subsets to make it easier for non-clinical people to understand. You’ll be able to see how many procedures you’ve undertaken at each site, covering a 12-month rolling period. Clicking on a number will display a pop-up giving a further breakdown by age groups.
The Last Recorded column indicates the last time a procedure was recorded at a site but doesn’t say where. These indicators show the procedure was done within the last month, the last 3 months or the last 12 months.